Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Legal Clearance

It's becoming so real now. Its so close yet so far away! I am so excited yet so nervous. Which is apparently very normal. I have been doing a lot of praying about all of this lately. I have also thought a lot about it and talked a lot about it to Adam and my mom. J&J have finally been legally cleared.. I'm not exactly sure what all goes in to them being legally cleared but it seemed like the legal clearance took the longest out of everything haha. So both me, the egg donor, and J&J have been medically and legally cleared. And that is pretty much the last and final step before we start the IVF meds. YAY(not really I am ready to start them but not excited about giving myself shots). I should be getting my calendar in the next week that will have many dates on it but the most important one... The TRANSFER DATE! Even though I will get a date it could change. The cycle could be canceled. Anything could happen. But I have faith everything will work out in the end. For now that's really all I have to update about the surrogacy news. But hopefully within the next week or two I will have a transfer date!! :)

Well now on to other things. Life has been really busy lately but not too busy thankfully. Brett has homework daily but it only takes us about 30 minutes. He is learning how to read which is amazing and such a joy to listen to. It's so amazing watching your children grow and learn new things daily. I mean they go from not even speaking to talking to reading in just a few short years. I just want to carry him like a baby sometimes but he is way too heavy for that now haha. Brynna is doing great. If you follow me on facebook you have probably read my rants about tricare and how frustrating they have been lately but we FINALLY have a referral for her to see a dermatologist for her leg and hopefully will have answers on Monday. Please pray that we get answers. Her leg issues have been going on for about 5 months now with the nasty infection part showing up about 2 months ago. Other than that she is doing great. Mommy's little side kick during the day while Brett is at school. Adam and I are now on a coed softball team and those of yall that know me personally know I am not big into playing sports. I'm more into cheering on the team. But I'm really enjoying it. I consider it part of my weekly work out :) 

Question before I go. With Halloween coming up its only right to ask. What do you or your kids want to be for Halloween? 


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